"True Address" is the best road name address auto-complete search solution developed and sold by S9Soft."Comfortable Address 2.0" is a free, ad-free, integrated address search app created by S9Soft using the "Happy Address" engine.You can find more detailed explanation at blog.naver.com/s9softYou can find 10 million street name address, lot number address, legal dong, administrative dong, shrimp zip code, old zip code, coordinates and coordinate-based address searches all in one window.Above all, you can find the address you want quickly, easily, and accurately with the auto-complete interface that provides even the building number and street address.There is also a function to find the lot number of 35 million land and the address in English."Seampyeonhan Address" was recognized for its function and performance by winning the Minister of Public Administration and Security Award at the 2015 National Software Contest.Since the street name address is assigned to each building, there are more than 10 million data and the address structure has a hierarchical structure, so finding addresses in the order of city, city, county, and district is a way to reduce the burden on machines and databases, not for people. .For this reason, the street name address that is being used and serviced by public institutions or companies now feels uncomfortable to those who use it.It is easier and more convenient for people to search by building name, by street name or by eup, myeon, dong, and street name, and then input additional city, county, or district when there are many results."True Address" is an address-only search solution designed to optimize and consider everything that a person needs to find an address really easily and comfortably, rather than a machine-friendly method. * Characteristics of a persons "simple address"- You can find the street name / lot address at the same time in one input window.- You can search for a location-based address. They are searched in order of closest to your current location.- Feel free to enter whatever you know, regardless of the order.- You can also find it as part of a word.- You can also find it with the initial consonant.- You can also search by abbreviated name.- You can find an English address with a Korean address.- Hangul characters Whenever you input Hangul characters, the result is displayed immediately.- No matter what the street name or lot number address is found, the result of the search is It shows postal code, street name address, lot number address, and English address together.- You can find the address by GPS coordinates. It is directly connected to navi apps such as Tmap.- Provides 6-digit old zip code information. (It is not newly granted to new buildings after 2015)- You can find not only the building address but also the land lot number.- You can check the name and code of legal and administrative dong